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What lenses, and why?

Benjamin Kilbey

Updated: May 25, 2022

This blog, I want to be an open topic discussion for those who have their favourite type of camera lense, lenses that you have on your wish list or even just wanting to know more about lenses. What I want to know is why you purchased a particular lense and what type of photography you're using them for.

Personally, I have the Canon 18-55mm kit lens, Canon 75-300mm telephoto lens, Canon 50mm 1.8mm lens and the Sigma 105mm macro lens.

Canon 18-55mm kit lens. This lens came with my Canon EOS 2000D and although it can produce some good photographs, I don't tend to use this lens. It does, however have a good variety of ranges so is ideal for beginner photographers who are working on a budget. I quickly found out that I would benefit a great deal with a prime lens which led me to purchasing my 50mm Canon 1.8 or as a lot of photographers say "Nifty Fifty".

Canon 75-300mm telephoto lens. This lens also came with my camera which is ideal as it means I saved money and was provided with two lenses, both suitable for beginner photographers and even professionals. This particular lens is great for wildlife and produces really high quality pictures.

Canon f/1.8 50mm EF lens. I bought the 50mm lens, mainly to start practicing street photography and portraiture. The wide aperture of f/1.8 produces great bokeh (Depth of field) and is ideal for portrait shots. It's extremely light in weight and fits nicely in a camera bag. This is the lens I tend to keep on my camera if I'm out and about. At a very affordable price, this is a lens I would highly recommend having as part of your photography kit. There are a few varieties of the 50mm prime lens so I would advise doing your research. I personally chose the EF mount due to the affordability of it which was approximately £129.

Sigma 105mm Macro lens. I love this lens. It looks great and is again, compared to other macro lenses on the market, relatively cheap and affordable priced on Amazon for approximately £340. It produces really great macro shots in high quality. Depending on what you're shooting, I would recommend using a tripod but if you don't have one, this lens offers image stabilisation which is great because if you're anything like me, you'll be shaking away and end up loosing that focus. The only downside to image stabilisation is how fast it can drain your camera battery so make sure you either have a spare battery or remember to switch off image stabilisation when using a tripod. This lense offers 1:1 magnification which is perfect in the world of Macro.

Open Discussion. What I want here, is your opinions, experiences, types of lenses you have & what you use them for. What is your expertise in photography and how did you first get into that particular genre? If you wish to share this with your friends, family, or Co workers, please do.

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